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日期:2024-6-13  访问:351


IFAT 2026 慕尼黑国际环博会 2026年 5 月 4 日-8日 德国 · 慕尼黑展览中心

中国区组展单位:厦门孚锐会展有限公司 余水玲 15159248015

展品范围:(注:所有展品类别以英文为准) 1. Hydraulic engineering and well construction 水利工程和井建设 □ 1.1 Protection, development and maintenance of water bodies 水体保护、开发与维护 □ 1.2 Flood and coastal protection 防洪与海岸防护 □ 1.3 Irrigation and drainage technology 灌溉和排水技术 □ 1.4 Construction and rehabilitation of wells 井建设与修复 2. Construction of water and wastewater treatment plants 水和污水处理设备建设 □ 2.1 Mechanical-physical processes 机械物理处理工艺 □ 2.2 Chemical-physical processes 化学物理处理工艺 □ 2.3 Biochemical processes 生化处理工艺 □ 2.4 Membrane processes 膜处理法 □ 2.5 Treatment of sludge and residues 污泥和残渣的处理 □ 2.6 Usage of sludge and residues 污泥及残渣的利用 □ 2.7 Gas generation and reprocessing 沼气回收及再利用 □ 2.8 Plants 成套装置 □ 2.8.1 Drinking water 饮用水 □ 2.8.2 Process water 工艺用水 □ 2.8.3 Rainwater utilization 雨水利用 □ 2.8.4 Waste water 废水处理 □ 2.9 Heat recovery / energy production and saving 热量回收、发电与节能 3. Water supply and sewerage systems 给水和排污系统 □ 3.1 Pipes and pipe fittings 管道及管道配件 □ 3.1.1 Pipes and pipe fittings made of concrete 混凝土管道及配件 □ 3.1.2 Pipes and pipe fittings made of cement 水泥管道及配件 □ 3.1.3 Pipes and pipe fittings made of cast iron 铸铁管道及配件 □ 3.1.4 Pipes and pipe fittings made of plastics 塑料管道及配件 □ 3.1.5 Pipes and pipe fittings made of steel 钢管道及配件 □ 3.1.6 Pipes and pipe fittings made of stainless steel 不锈钢管道及配件 □ 3.1.7 Pipes and pipe fittings made of stoneware 陶管道及配件 □ 3.1.8 Other pipes and pipe fittings 其他管道及配件 □ 3.1.9 Pipes with linings 衬砌管道 □ 3.1.10 Pressure pipes 压力管道 □ 3.1.11 Pipe bushings 管套 □ 3.1.12 Pipeline accessories 管道配件 □ 3.1.13 Leak detection and monitoring 泄漏检测和监测 □ 3.1.14 Detection technology (pipes, cable) 探测技术(管道、缆线) □ 3.2 Shafts and special structures 竖井及特殊结构 □ 3.3 Outlets 排水口 □ 3.4 Fittings 配件 □ 3.5 Seals 密封装置 □ 3.6 Corrosion protection 防腐蚀装置 □ 3.7 Construction and maintenance 建造与维护 □ 3.7.1 Open cut construction 露天建设 □ 3.7.2 Trenchless technology 非开挖技术 □ 3.7.3 Cleaning 清洁 □ 3.7.4 Inspection 检测 □ 3.7.5 Rehabilitation 修复 □ 3.8 Precipitation water 雨水收集 □ 3.9 Drinking water tanks - construction and rehabilitation 饮用水槽-建造与修复 4. Mechanical engineering and plant engineering in water management 水资源管理中的机械工程和设备工程 □ 4.1 Pumps and lifting systems 泵和提升系统 □ 4.2 Process measuring and control technology 过程测量和控制技术 □ 4.3 Mechanical installations and control technology 机械装置和控制技术 □ 4.4 Electronic installations 电气装置 □ 4.5 Transmission engineering 传输工程 □ 4.6 Other installations and accessories 其他装置和配件 5. Refuse management and recycling 垃圾管理及回收 □ 5.1 Refuse collection and transport 垃圾收集与运输 □ 5.2 Vehicles and superstructures 运输车及其车厢结构 □ 5.3 Refuse treatment and recycling 垃圾处理与回收 □ 5.3.1 Screening 筛选 □ 5.3.2 Sorting plants 分选装置 □ 5.3.3 Comminution machines 破碎机 □ 5.3.4 Mixers 搅拌机 □ 5.3.5 Driers 干燥机 □ 5.3.6 Presses 压实机 □ 5.3.7 Hopper, conveyor and metering equipment 料斗、输送机与计量设备 □ 5.4 Biological treatment and composting 生物处理和堆肥 □ 5.5 Landfills 垃圾填埋场 □ 5.6 Plants and equipment for the recycling, conditioning and utilization of secondary raw materials 再生原材料回收利用与状态调节设备 □ 5.7 Transmission engineering, fluid technology and power generation units 传输工程、液体技术、发电装置 □ 5.8 Accessories and wear parts 配件和磨损部件 □ 5.9 General purpose equipment, devices and accessories 通用设备、装置和配件 □ 5.10 Accident prevention and safety 劳动安全防护 6. Generating energy from secondary raw and waste materials 再生原材料与废弃物的能源利用 □ 6.1 Biogas plants 沼气装置 □ 6.2 Thermal treatment 热处理工艺 □ 6.3 Utilization of landfill gas 填埋气体的利用 □ 6.4 Substrate processing, transport and feed systems 基质加工、运输和供给系统 □ 6.5 Gas transport and treatment 气体运输和处理 □ 6.6 Gas utilization 气体利用 □ 6.7 Treatment of fermentation waste materials 发酵废物的处理 □ 6.8 Biomass logistics 生物质物流 7. Street cleaning, maintenance and winter road services 道路清洁与冬季路面养护 □ 7.1 Street cleaning and maintenance services 道路清洁与养护服务 □ 7.2 Winter road services 冬季路面养护服务 8. Management of hazardous substances 有害物质管理 □ 8.1 Remediation of soil and groundwater 土壤和地下水的修复 □ 8.2 Remediation of pollutants in buildings / building demolition 建筑物和拆除建筑物里的废弃物的修复 □ 8.3 Accident prevention and safety 事故预防和安全 □ 8.4 Analysis and laboratory techniques / services 分析和实验室技术/服务 9. Flue-gas scrubbing and air extraction, air-pollution control 烟气净化、通风和大气污染治理 □ 9.1 Separation of fluids and solid matter 燃料和固体物质的分离 □ 9.2 Separation of harmful gases 有害气体的分离 □ 9.3 Flue-gas cleaning 废气清洁 □ 9.4 Biological exhaust gas purification 生物排气净化 □ 9.5 Other equipment and accessories 其他设备和配件 □ 9.6 Chemical processes 化工处理 □ 9.7 Condensation processes 冷凝工艺 □ 9.8 Catalytic processes 催化剂工艺 □ 9.9 Thermal processes 热处理 □ 9.10 Odour treatment 除臭技术 □ 9.11 Analysis and measuring technology 分析测量技术 10. Water and recycling services 水务及资源循环利用服务 □ 10.1 Water-supply and sewage-disposal services 供水和污水处理服务 □ 10.2 Waste recycling and disposal services 废弃物回收和处置服务 □ 10.3 Suppliers of secondary raw materials 再生原料供应商 □ 10.4 Users of secondary raw materials 再生原料用户 □ 10.5 Consulting and engineering services 咨询与工程服务 □ 10.6 Consulting for management and organization 管理与组织咨询 □ 10.7 Information technology 信息技术 □ 10.8 Financing 融资 11. Analysis and laboratory techniques for water and recycling 水务及资源循环利用实验室分析技术 □ 11.1 Analysis and laboratory techniques – Water 水务--分析和实验室技术 □ 11.2 Analysis and laboratory techniques – Recycling 资源循环利用—分析和实验室技术 12. Associations, education, research and technology transfer 协会、教育、科研与技术转让 □ 12.1 Vocational training and further training 职业培训与继续教育 □ 12.2 Universities 高校 □ 12.3 Research institutes 研究机构 □ 12.4 Trade associations and institutions 行业协会与机构 □ 12.5 Specialty publishers 专业出版商 13. Sustainability in road construction and maintenance 道路建设与维护的可持续性 □ 13.1 Demolition processes 拆迁过程 □ 13.2 Pre-sorting 预分类 □ 13.3 Process chain crushing 过程链破碎 □ 13.4 Conditioning 调温调湿 □ 13.5 Utilization 利用 □ 13.6 Processes of Installation 安装过程 □ 13.7 Materials for road construction and maintenance 道路建设与维护用料 □ 13.8 Digitalization 数字化 □ 13.9 Research and technology transfer 研究和技术转让 □ 13.10 Road construction services 道路建设服务

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