浙江恒森实业集团有限公司是一家拥有近20年专业生产空调制冷配件、水暖管道及楼宇自控设备经验 的制造型企业。拥有员工逾500人,另有技术人员100多人。 公司目前是国家重点扶持的“高新技术企业”,并荣膺“浙江省AAA级资信企业”、“浙江省重合同守信用 AAA级单位”、“浙江省创新型试点企业”、“浙江省研发中心”、“浙江省企业技术中心”、“浙江省专利示 范企业”等称号。公司生产的多个产品荣获“国家火炬计划项目”、“国家重点新产品”、“国家科技型中小 企业创新基金项目”支持,并多次荣获“浙江省科学技术奖”。电动阀门和空调用管件更是浙江省名牌产品。 产品长期配套于大金、三洋、美的、格力等厂家。 公司当前是全国最大的电动阀门生产厂家之一,并负责起草了“空调水系统用电动阀门”国家行业标准。 同时,公司还参与起草了“制冷空调用直动式电子膨胀阀”、“制冷系统用直动型双稳态电磁阀”、“小型制 冷系统用二位三通电磁阀”等多个行业标准。 公司多年来积极开拓国内和国际市场,不仅在国内市场销售业务显著,更是将业务拓展至美国、英国、 西班牙、德国、东南亚等多个国家和地区。 多年来,恒森集团通过深化内部管理,提高产品创新,向“创一流企业、数百年目标”的目标迈进。我 们真诚期盼您的加盟,与我们一起共创美好明天。
Founded in 1988, Zhejiang HengSen Industrial Group Co., Ltd is a manufacturer specialized in producing copper fittings, HVAC parts and air conditioner parts in Zhejiang province. Our factory occupied 85,000 ㎡ of land, along with more than 500 staff. Nearly 100 of staff are professional technicians. Our corp turned over more than $35,000,000 in the year of 2015, with $10,000,000 of exportation volume. Headquarter located in Zhuji city, Zhejiang province, we also own agencies in main domestic cities such as Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou and Changsha. Since foundation,we have earned a good reputation by high quality staff group, producing first-class quality product with enormous potentiality and powerful technology. We got ISO9001 certification by adopting the most advanced technology and precision special machines to produce our products. Now, we have more than 500 featured products and more than 3000 specifications, such as 'gsen'Brand copper elbows, two- way, three-way, motorized valves, HVAC fittings. We are actively engaged in R&D new products while producing products completely qualified for the national standard. We have received vast good reaction from customers by our products sold globally as far as Southeast Asia, west Asia, America and Europe. We can produce all kinds of products according your special OEM/ODM requirements. Now, we are Looking for New Cooperators Globally. Hope we can together broaden our reach in global markets. If you are interested in our products or want to offer your advice, please contact us with detailed opinions.