上海阀门五厂有限公司系原“上海阀门五厂”,始建于1958年,隶属于上海电气(集团)总公司,1998年曾更名为“上海通用阀门真空设备有限公司阀门五厂”, 2009年公司改制并更名为“上海阀门五厂有限公司”。上海阀门五厂有限公司图形注册商标“ ”,文字商标“上五”牌,因上海阀门五厂历史悠久,技术先进,质量可靠使得“上五”牌阀门长期以来被业内广泛认可。
从90年开始公司就积极与国外先进阀门厂家进行合作,从英国桑德斯(SAUNDERS,UK)引进了世界最先进的耐腐蚀阀门的生产技术。公司职工人数约200人。占地面积 54780平方米,建筑面积46000平方米。主要产品隔膜阀、蝶阀、止回阀、管夹阀、闸阀、截止阀、球阀,是国内历史悠久的耐腐蚀阀门生产厂家。产品依据GB/T、JB/T、ISO、DIN、JIS、NF、ANSI、API 等标准。公司集成了科研、开发、制造、成套、销售、服务、经营于一体,建有现代化的产品生产制造车间:核安全级阀门制造车间、军工阀门制造车间、民用工业阀门制造车间;设备包括:加工中心、大型数控立车、卧式数控车床、镗床、铣床、钻床、线切割、德国进口光谱分析仪、金属材料性能试验、橡胶老化试验、橡胶性能试验、阀门性能试验设备等。
Shangwu Valve, based in Shanghai, is a leading valve scientific engineering company in China. With registered trade mark of the brand of SHANGWU is a longstanding brand in valve business for its reliable quality since 1958. The company was used to be known as ''Shanghai NO.5 Valve Factory'', a subsidiary of Shanghai Electrics Group.
In 2009, Shanghai NO.5 Valve Factory has been reformed and became an independent proprietary limited company, also renamed as Shangwu Valve, the company has been well reorganised and restructured to ensure its sustainable growth in future.
Shangwu's diaphragm valves and butterfly valves are well acknowledged in the corrosive and erosive related fields and they have served many major projects in China. From 1989 to 2019, more than 50,000 valves from Shangwu have been supplied to vast majority of nuclear power plants in China. About 20,000 of these valves are nuclear classified and they have been operating in extreme environments where quality, safety and reliability of products are requested at highest standards. Through continuous renovation, elaborate engineering design, implement of CAD/CAM manufacture process and zero defect QA mentality, Shangwu has earned its goodwill for the reliable quality
from its customers.
Today, Shangwu Valve has about 200 employees and locates on a modern 40,000m2 facilities where the production of valves is performed since design and development, to machining, assembly and testing. The company has its own R&D center, laboratory and experiment facilities where new flow control technologies are under continuous development to meet customer's demand.
The company is able to provide a wide range of valves in accordance with major international standards, in a range of nominal size up to 2800mm, and consist of resilient seated butterfly valves, high performance butterfly valves, double offset butterfly valves, diaphragm valves, ball valves, check valves, etc.
As your reliable business partner, we are committed to the development, manufacture and supply of high-performance and high-quality valves as well as aftermarket support for now and in future.