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高能200X 减压阀

日期:2020-06-04  访问:1353

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用途 User


Regulating and controlling the outlet pressure of the main valve, the outlet pressure of the main valve shall not change due to the import pressure change, nor shall it change the export pressure due to the change of the main valve outlet flow. It can be used for water supply, fire protection system and industrial water supply system.

特点 Characteristic


The valve adopts full channel flow line design, the fluid resistance is small, the flow is big, can reduce dynamic pressure also can reduce static pressure.

原理 Principle


The medium enters the lower chamber of the valve body and pushes the disc upward, while the medium is controlled by the outer control tube of the main valve into the diaphragm chamber. The upper chamber pressure is regulated by the guide valve. The pressure difference in the upper chamber and the lower chamber of the valve body determines the movement of the disc to change the outlet pressure. When the upper chamber is under pressure with the lower cavity, the disc stops at a certain position and the outlet pressure remains constant, acting as a stabilizing force.

执行标准 Executive standard

法兰尺寸 Flange dimensions:GB/T 17241.6

试验检验 Test test:GB/T 13927

安装图典型 Installation diagram



地址: 浙江省永嘉县瓯北镇东瓯工业园区   
QQ: 在线咨询

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